
Friday, May 22, 2020

My cool Reflection

Hi, During quarantine we have been doing some maths for the maths we did
Reflection It was very simple to do but i had some trouble doing my logo
Do you know how to do Reflection?
If you have any feedback please share them in the comments.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Cool Symmetry

For Maths we have been doing coordinates and symmetry,  It was really difficult
But i managed to do it,  Do you know what symmetry is? 
It was really fun too.
If you have any feedback put them in the comments  

Friday, May 1, 2020

The awesome story of Alvin and me

Me and my literacy group have been doing reading and writing, this is my  reading slide with other people in my group. It was really fun doing the slide though it wasn't the hardest  so i didn't have trouble making it .
Have you read this book?
if you have any feedback or questions comment them.